Counselors Mission
Pryor Public Schools Professional School Counselors empower all students,regardless of difference or circumstance, to maximize their potential as lifelong learners and productive members of our local and global community.
Resources for Students & Families in Transition
McKinney-Vento Assistance Information
Additional Forms
Crisis & Housing Assistance
Families In Transition Information
Educational Rights & Support for Displaced Students
Compliance Monitoring Form
Student Residency Questionnaire
Referral Form
Pryor School Counselors Believe:
1. All students will succeed
2. All students have dignity, worth, unique characteristics, and potential
3. All students are active participants in achieving their goals
4. All students learn best when they are meaningfully engaged in their learning
We believe the school counseling program:
2. Is comprehensive, developmental, and central to the school and district mission
3. Is proactive in supporting all students
4. Is available to families, staff, and community in support of all students
And that all school counselors advocate for students by:
2. Promoting a positive, safe, and healthy school culture
3. Having unique access, opportunity, and responsibility to influence students and the school environment
4. Possessing expertise, specialized training, and licensure in school counseling
5. Engaging in ongoing professional learning
6. Abiding by ASCA ethical standards
Pryor School Counselors Philosophy:
The Pryor Public School Pre-K—12 comprehensive counseling program is a dynamic model proactive in nature yet responsive to the needs of each school. All students have access to a full-time, state certified, masters degree level school counselor to deliver the school counseling curriculum. This curriculum is developmental, sequential, preventative, data driven and an integral component.. In our practice, we promote the foundation for healthy well-being through the delivery of academic, career, and personal/social life skills. We value the uniqueness of each student as they become lifelong learners. We actively engage in professional learning opportunities essential to maintaining a high quality school counseling program. Professional school counselors abide by the American School Counseling Association’s (ASCA) rigorous ethical standards.
Pryor School Counselors Confidentiality Policy:
1. Informs students of the purposes, goals, techniques and rules of procedure under which they may receive counseling at or before the time when the counseling relationship is entered. The meaning and limits of confidentiality are defined in developmentally appropriate terms to students.
2. Keeps information confidential unless disclosure is required to prevent clear and imminent danger to the student or others or when legal requirements demand the confidential information be revealed. Counselors will consult with appropriate professionals when in doubt as to the validity of an exception.
3. Requests of the court that disclosure not be required when the release of confidential information may potentially harm a student or the counseling relationship.
4. Protects the confidentiality of students’ records and releases personal data in accordance with prescribed laws and school policies. Student information stored and transmitted electronically is treated with the same care as traditional student records.
5. Protects the confidentiality of information received in the counseling relationship as specified by federal and state laws, written policies and applicable ethical standards. Such information is only to be revealed to others with the informed consent of the student, consistent with the counselor’s ethical obligation.
6. Recognizes his/her primary obligation for confidentiality is to the student but balances that obligation with an understanding of the legal and inherent rights of parents/guardians to be the guiding voice in their children’s lives.
Pryor School Counselors Program Insights:
Quality school counseling programs are based on research findings and data analysis. They are organized so that all students benefit from the curriculum, services, interventions and support. Delivery of the four key program components:
(Guidance Curriculum; Individual
Planning; Responsive Services and System Support) is viewed as integral to the school’s mission. Support and involvement of the school community, including parent and community partners, is critical for successful program delivery. Such collaboration enhances equitable access to the program and fosters the supportive and safe school climate essential for learning.
The following sample delivery chart outlines how a school counseling program might be organized and delivered.
School Guidance Curriculum
The School Guidance Curriculum consists of structured developmental experiences presented systematically through classroom and small group activities for all students in grades K-12.
Successful implementation depends upon school-wide support and cooperation. The purpose of this curriculum is to provide students with knowledge of normal growth and development, to promote positive mental health and to assist them in acquiring and using life skills. The
curriculum is organized to help students acquire, develop, and demonstrate competency within the three domains. Curriculum is provided to all students, which is proactive, preventative, and
developmental. While school counselors are responsible for designing, planning, implementing and evaluating the curriculum, a number of student outcomes are best met through the involvement and participation of teachers and parents/guardians.
Curriculum Criteria
• Materials, equipment, and facilities are sufficient to support program delivery
• All students receive curriculum content in a systemic way
• Content is measurable by pre/post tests, product creation, or other appropriate methods
• Effectiveness of curriculum is evaluated annually
• Curriculum priorities are a result of data-driven decisions
Responsive Services
Responive Services
Responsive services are short-term counseling interventions to resolve immediate conflicts/problems, respond to crisis events, and intervene in school-specific situations that disrupt learning. School staff, parents/guardians, community members, and students can initiate
responsive services. School counselors work in partnership with administrators, teachers, and school and community mental health professionals to provide services via a delivery system that
benefits the most students while maximizing counselors’ time. Responsive Services and implementation strategies include:
Consultation: Counselors consult and work collaboratively with school psychologists, adjustment counselors, parents, teachers, and community-based mental health professionals to develop a broad base of support for students School counselors serve as
student advocates.
Individual/ Small Group Counseling
Personal counseling assists students with school success. Counseling on a small group or individual basis may be provided. Personal counseling assists students in identifying problems, causes, alternatives, and possible consequences so that appropriate action can be taken. Such counseling is normally short-term in nature. School counselors do not provide therapy. When necessary, appropriate referral sources are used. The school
counselor acts in accordance with all federal, state, and local laws and policies with respect to confidentiality, suspected cases of abuse, and threats of harm or violence.
Preventative Interventions
knowledge, and skills that build students’ self-worth, resiliency, optimism, and future orientation. Community service learning projects and peer support groups are examples of such interventions.
Outside Referrals
Outside Referrals: Counselors refer students and their parents/guardians to community agencies to deal with long-term situations that may include suicide, violence, emotional abuse, physical and sexual abuse, neglect, substance abuse, teen pregnancy, and divorce.
To assure support, counselors need to maintain ongoing communication with involved agencies and referred students. Referral sources may include mental health agencies, vocational rehabilitation, social services, employment and training programs, and juvenile justice services.
Outside Referrals: Referring students and families to community agencies to assist them in managing crises outside the scope of the school counseling program.
Crisis Counsiling
Crisis counseling provides prevention, intervention and follow-up. Counseling and support are provided to students and their families facing crisis situations. Such counseling is normally shortterm in nature. When necessary, appropriate referral sources are used. School counselors should provide a leadership role in the district s crisis intervention team process.
Crisis/Safety Plans and School Response Teams: Developing school crisis plans and establishing teams to implement school safety, preventative interventions and crisis response.
Staff crisis training is conducted to establish readiness to meet student/school needs in emergency situations.
Responsive Services Criteria
Responsive Services Criteria
• Every student K-12 receives prevention education to address life choices in academics,
career, and personal/social development
• Students are assisted in solving immediate problems that interfere with career, academic,
personal and social development
• A referral plan and a referral resource are available for persons seeking community
agencies for assistance such as mental health, employment, and training programs,
juvenile services, education, or social services
• Individual and small group counseling is available
• A crisis response plan is in place and used
• Consultation/collaboration is used
• There is a plan for interventions when needed
Individual Student Planning
Individual Planning
Individual planning consists of ongoing, systematic interventions to assist students with planning, managing and monitoring their educational/career goals. Assistance is planned, delivered and/or coordinated for delivery by the school counselor. Individually or in small groups, each student is provided with information, encouragement and support to both establish and work towards his/her goals. Parents/guardians are kept informed and asked to provide input and approve plans.
• Case Management Counselors may monitor individual student progress and planning in the academic/technical, career, and personal/social domains.
• Individual/Small Group Appraisal: Assisting students and parents/guardians with analysis and evaluation of abilities, interests, aptitudes and achievements. This includes a review of assessment results such as MCAS, PSAT/SAT, college placement tests, vocational assessments and career interest inventories. A review of students’ course selection, grades, extracurricular activities, and hobbies is also used to assist with identification of educational and career goals.
• Individual/Small Group Counseling: Using assessment results and up-to-date information to help students plan and reach their short and long-range goals.
• Individual Appraisal Counselors may assist students in using self-appraisal information.
Together, they analyze and evaluate abilities, interests, skills, and achievements. The utilization of appropriate assessment information becomes a basis for developing short and long-term plans and goals for students.
• Individual Advisement Involvement of students, parents/guardians, and school staff in planning a program that meets individual needs of students is a critical part of advisement. Counselors work directly with students to enhance academic/technical goals, career goals, and personal-social growth. An example would be the development and annual review of a student’s learning plan.
• Placement Counselors may assist students as they progress through school and into the world of work. The focus is on providing information, reviewing options, counseling in the face of personal conflict, and referral.
Large & Small Group Activities
• Student Monitoring: Monitoring students’ progress on a regular basis, assisting and advising as needed.
• Consultation: Partnering with parents/guardians, teachers, and mentors to assist students in development and personal/social, emotional, and academic growth.
• Presentations and Assessments: Structured group activities, assessments (e.g., skill or interest inventories), workshops, assemblies, and meetings to address student needs and interests.
• Parent Educational Outreach: Resources, information, training, and/or programs delivered to parents/guardians with the goal of reinforcing the guidance curriculum and increasing student outcomes.
• Group Activities Counselors conduct groups outside the classroom to respond to school or student interests and needs. Counselors plan and lead structured activities to increase the skills and knowledge of students.
• Interdisciplinary Curriculum Development Counselors participate in interdisciplinary teams to develop and refine curriculum in content areas. These teams develop classroom units that integrate subject matter with the guidance curriculum. The guidance curriculum may include units delivered through other classroom disciplines.
Individual Student Planning Criteria
• There is a system-wide approach to helping students and parents make appropriate education and career plans.
• There is a system-wide approach to helping students and parents understand the results of standardized and individual assessments.
• Each student starting in the middle grades has a long-range educational plan/outline in place.
• Individual planning before registering for high school (9th Grade).
• Individual planning includes: individual appraisal, advisement, and appropriate student placement.
• Accurate, appropriate, and effective materials are distributed to support individual planning efforts of students and their parents.
• A comprehensive career information system is available to students.
System Support
System Support Activities
System support includes activities that establish, enhance, and maintain optimal delivery of the school counseling program. It begins with an assessment of the program’s delivery system, alignment with school and district missions, and its impact on students and school climate.
Effective use of resources can greatly enhance the delivery of the school counseling program by maximizing counselors’ time for quality program delivery. This includes the strategic use of resources such as technology, administrative support, staffing beyond the counseling department (e.g., paraprofessionals, interns, parents, and teachers as advisors), and community partners. School counselors are responsible for encouraging and maintaining system support through effective program management, assessment, and collaboration. This would include:
Program Management/Coordination/Development:
Providing direction, vision, and accountability for the school counseling program and ongoing consultation and collaboration with school administration and staff to foster understanding and support for school counseling initiatives and calendars.
Student Assessment:
Evaluating student achievement data to ensure that all students gain access to rigorous curricula. Based on data analysis, counselors may identify gaps in academic, technical, or developmental skill progression and suggest changes in schedules or instructional practice in order to provide additional support for achievement.
Professional Development:
Counselors must regularly update their professional knowledge and skills. This may involve participating in or delivering in-service training, attending professional meetings, completing relevant coursework, and contributing to professional publications.
Consultation with Teachers and Other Staff:
Counselors consult with teachers and other staff members regularly to provide information and support to staff and to receive feedback on the emerging needs of students.
Parent/Guardian Outreach
Counselors are available to provide ongoing support, education, and information for parents/guardians regarding their children’s personal/social, academic/technical, and career development and to provide another important link between the classroom and the home.
Community Outreach
Activities may be designed to help counselors and teachers become knowledgeable of community resources, local and global culture, employment opportunities, and local labor market information. Counselors network with local businesses, industries, and social service agencies on a periodic basis.