Katie Mcrea Joins Pryor Public Schools

Katie Mcrea Joins Pryor Public Schools

Katie McCrea Joins Pryor Public Schools. Welcome, Katie McCrea, to the team. Hello Pryor Warriors! I am excited to join the team! As a career International Educator, I have experienced teaching in globally diverse and culturally rich locations and have traveled to 27...
Ed Zink Joins Pryor Public Schools

Ed Zink Joins Pryor Public Schools

Ed Zink Joins Pryor Public Schools. Welcome, Ed Zink, to the team. ED ZINK Howdy! My name is Ed Zink, and I am excited to be teaching Social Studies at Plenty Coups next year! Over the past four years, I have taught middle and high school Social Studies in Northern...
Courtney Wilske Joins Pryor Public Schools

Courtney Wilske Joins Pryor Public Schools

Courtney Wilske Joins Pryor Public Schools. Welcome, Courtney Wilske, to the team. Courtney Wilske I am from Oregon originally and moved to Montana in 2011. I have five kids! I love to spend time with my family, camping, hiking, traveling, and movie nights! I have...