by nazokat | Jul 2, 2023 | News
Katie McCrea Joins Pryor Public Schools. Welcome, Katie McCrea, to the team. Hello Pryor Warriors! I am excited to join the team! As a career International Educator, I have experienced teaching in globally diverse and culturally rich locations and have traveled to 27...
by nazokat | Jul 2, 2023 | News
Ed Zink Joins Pryor Public Schools. Welcome, Ed Zink, to the team. ED ZINK Howdy! My name is Ed Zink, and I am excited to be teaching Social Studies at Plenty Coups next year! Over the past four years, I have taught middle and high school Social Studies in Northern...
by nazokat | Jul 2, 2023 | News
Courtney Wilske Joins Pryor Public Schools. Welcome, Courtney Wilske, to the team. Courtney Wilske I am from Oregon originally and moved to Montana in 2011. I have five kids! I love to spend time with my family, camping, hiking, traveling, and movie nights! I have...